Other Ordering Methods
If you’d rather not order online, you can place your order by telephone or by post as follows.
Our telephone order line is +44 (0)151 625 7688
Our postal address is Absolute P.A.A., PO Box 148, Wirral, CH48 1XX, England, UK
Please provide the following details in all cases:
- The product name
- Product Code and quantity
- Price
- Any special request/instructions for product or delivery
- Gift Wrap and Message - £3.00 per recipient
- Your full name and title
- Your billing address (The address on your payment card statement)
- The name of the recipient (if different to your name)
- The delivery address (Home or workplace addresses, No PO Boxes)
- A landline telephone number and a mobile number (Preferably both)
- Your email address so that we can email you order confirmation (or you can opt for hard copy of order and contract details sent with your order)
- The type of payment card (Visa, Mastercard etc.)
- The long payment card number.
- The payment card expiry date.
- The payment card issue number if applicable.
- The payment card 3 digit security number on the reverse of the card, on or near the signature strip or for American Express cards the 4 digit number on the front of the card.
We do not accept payment by personal or company cheque.
There is no obligation on our part to accept your order until we send you a ‘Dispatched’ email which confirms our contract with you to supply the ordered goods.
Your sending to us in writing or providing verbally your payment card details is an explicit obligation by you to pay for your order.
Our contact details:
Absolute Pearls Ltd
Email: service@absolutepearls.co.uk
Tel: 0151 625 7688