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Storing Pearls

All jewellery from Absolute Pearls comes with its own complimentary storage box, and we highly recommend that you keep your pearls in this box whenever they are not being worn.

Cleaning pearls

When you take your pearls off, you should give them a quick wipe with a soft damp cloth before putting them away. This will remove any excess residue from your perfume and beauty products, as well as any toxins from your skin.

Some recommend a weak solution of washing up liquid, but you do not need to use this every time; a warm damp cloth is normally sufficient. However, do not be tempted to use household polishes or other cleaning products as these can cause serious damage to your pearls. For more expensive pearl necklaces, you can buy specialist pearl cleaning cloths for added care and protection, but these are quite expensive and not necessary for modestly priced pearls.

When cleaning your pearls, take care not to get the silk thread wet, as this can cause it to swell and loosen the knots, making your pearls less attractive.

Protecting pearls

Pearls are surprisingly soft and if they are stored with harder jewellery, such as gold and gemstones, they can become scratched and chipped. They are best stored laid out straight in their original box, but if not, you should protect them from damage from other jewellery by keeping them in a satin or velvet pouch within your jewellery box.

If you are not wearing your pearls for a while, you should consider storing them in a slightly damp linen cloth to prevent them from drying out.

Travelling with pearls

Pearls are also surprisingly vulnerable to pressure, and can become cracked, or even crumble completely if they are subjected to heavy weights. If you are packing your pearls to take away with you, make sure they are in their original box to protect them from getting crushed in the baggage hold or damaged as your case is moved around.